No defined career ladders? No problem!
Your team is hungry to get ahead. You’re scrambling because you may not have developed career ladders, or the position that would be perfect for them doesn’t even exist on paper yet. What to do? To complicate this, your talent is motivated to grow at a pace that may not match your business needs.
Join us for a a complimentary workshop with your industry peers to learn how to navigate these conversations with ease using appreciative inquiry.
THAT Career Conversation Dread
How many times have you had someone drop by your desk and ask:
“I want to become a manager, what do I do?”
At that moment, you’re probably oscillating between excitement and dread. Your’e excited about your motivated talent. You feel dread because you’re not sure how to support them.
Jet-Fueled Career Conversations
Take a deep breath and fuel this conversation using AI. Shift the focus so that your talent takes ownership of their own career growth, with your support. It’s no longer a “wait and see” approach. Your talent can design the steps they need to take to get ahead that will align their talents and motivations to what the business needs.
The cherry on top
Your talent will become even more invested in their growth at your organization and learn how to start the ball rolling rather than waiting for stars to align.
The Details
Who should attend: People professionals and managers of people
What: Complimentary interactive workshop with networking
When: Thursday, January 24th 5:30 - 8:00pm
Where: San Francisco FiDi, Moksha Life Center
Why: Your talent and business will thank you!
What We’ll Cover
How to use the power of appreciative inquiry to fuel career conversations
Ways to identify and leverage your talents’ intrinsic motivation
Hands-on practice having these conversations with your industry peers
What you’ll get
Learn the skills to have an appreciative inquiry- fueled career conversation with your employees
Receive a handy conversation planner
Connect and collaborate with your industry peers
5:30 - 6:00 Mingling and wine and cheese
6:00 - 6:30 Appreciative inquiry overview
6:30 - 7:00 Coach demo
7:00 - 7:30 Skills practice
7:30 - 8:00 Debrief and Q&A
Wait. What’s Appreciative Inquiry?
Appreciative inquiry (AI) is a model that seeks to engage stakeholders in self-determined change. According to Gerarde R. Bushe, a professor of leadership and organization development, AI revolutionized the field of organization development and was a precursor to the rise of positive organization studies and the strengths-based movement in American management."[1]. This started new revolutionary inquiry method that generate new ways for business leaders and managers to think about how to ask questions, think about new challenges, and communicate with their organizations.